All Hail the Queen | What Sam Sees

hey everybody sam here i’m looking for a
fish with big bright lips and a good set
of chompers and it actually has some
pretty spectacular colors too the change
and if it’s not in the mood for visitors
it just triggers its spine and locks
itself in a hole and won’t come out
that doesn’t sound like a very friendly
fish now does it but it does sound
pretty cool
let’s go check out the queen triggerfish
come on
today i’m at the national aquarium to
dive in the atlanta coral reef tank to
film the spectacular queen trigger that
can grow up to 24 inches long although
most are only half that size
come on guys let’s go
i feel so lucky to get to dive here at
the aquarium
where people can come to experience the
wonder of the ocean
every day
i can’t wait to dive in
i love scuba diving have you ever wanted
to dive deep in the ocean and swim with
the fishes it’s an amazing feeling just
imagine yourself being weightless seeing
fish of all sizes in the most awesome
array of colors
getting up close to creatures you
thought you’d only see in books
diving is always an adventure
let’s head over to meet jackie cooper
the senior assistant dive safety officer
who is going to help us find the queen
let’s go
there are hundreds of fish down here
but only a few queen trigger fish in
this tank
so wish us luck
keep a sharp eye out
remember it has bright lips and
spectacular colors
jackie found the queen
and there are two of them
that one just put up its trigger i
wonder what triggered that
i can’t believe i’m this close and can
see this beautiful fish changing color
off they go
back to their drones
they really are so beautiful and fast
jackie that dive was amazing it was
pretty cool
that fish we saw literally changed color
that was a queen trigger fish
can you tell the difference
where did it get its name so it
literally has a fin kind of on the top
of his head that it can trigger to pop
up and you got to see it do that i did
yeah he went right under me so why did
he do that
so he was having a discussion
with another queen triggerfish about
whose territory that was
are they typically very defensive with
each other so they’re very territorial
and they’re always debating whose
territory it is so when we saw him
change color that’s exactly what they
were doing he was saying i’m brighter
than you my trigger is bigger than yours
and this is my territory but another
really cool way they can communicate is
they can actually make grunting sounds
what do the queen trigger fish like to
almost anything they can catch really
they also will feed on crustaceans
another cool thing that i saw about the
queen trigger fish were that they had
these things that kind of strange behind
them what are those so the largest one
has the most amazing streamers and
they’re always iridescent purple and
that’s a sign of his fitness so that’s a
male and he is advertising to other
members of his species that he is a big
healthy guy
this fish is incredible
what did we learn about queen
it likes to trigger its fin up when it’s
in defense mode another really cool
thing is they change color depending on
their mood
diving and seeing it up close was so
much fun
bye everybody i’ll see you next time on
what sanzi