
Acrobatic Bengal Kittens Learn To Hunt | Wonderful World of Puppies | BBC Earth

One mischievous
little Bengal named Ned is refining his newfound
Every pounce on his sister dolt is honing
his ambush skills.
Our kittens are perfecting their timing and learning
how to gauge the distance between them and their prey.
Since birth, Ned and his siblings
have never left the safety of this box,
and now that their vision is completely developed,
they are eager to see what the world outside has in store.
It doesn’t take long for our kittens to fly the nest.
Bengals are known for their incredible climbing abilities.
They are the acrobats of the kitten world.
So it’s no surprise that Dart has found a way
to a high swinging sanctuary.
It’s not long
before her pesky brother Ned, finds her.
And soon the whole gang has squeezed in.
At this young age, Ned and Dot
stay close to each other for warmth and security.
Strength in numbers gives them comfort
when the experience new things
and they still have mum around
for extra security.
Soon are brave little explorers.
See something they can claim to get even higher
This sofa is like a skyscraper,
but with a little muscle and a lot of claw.
Ned makes it to the top and hits his target.
Soon everyone follows our intrepid little explorer.
Mum is less than thrilled
that her kids can now reach her favorite spot.
And now
Daunt is realizing one important lesson.
What goes up must come down.
Our brother doesn’t hesitate,
but Dot’s not so sure.
This drop off is four times her height.
Every moment she’s learning about the world around her.
Trial and error.
Dot’s going to do this.
Her way
of trouble and she nestles in for naptime.
All this climbing is just exhausting.