
Swimming with a Giant Saltwater Crocodile | Fearless Adventures with Jack Randall

  1. JACK: I’m researching the descendants of dinosaurs. Ah, I’ve got it. In the waters of Australia.
  2. CHARLIE: These things want to eat you.
  3. JACK: This is absolutely massive.
  4. JACK: I can see a little croc. I’m going to try and creep up and see if I can get it. He’s popped out on the other side. It’s a really small guy. Got him! Look at that!
    Swimming with a Giant Crocodile Wow! A little baby saltwater crocodile. Look at that mouth gape. Crocodiles are amazing creatures. They’re related to birds, but can stay underwater for up to an hour, and despite having big teeth, they don’t chew their food. Even at this size, if it bit me, that would really hurt. Those teeth are still very, very sharp. Still got a very strong jaw pressure. This guy is going to eat a lot of different animals on the way to becoming an adult.Starting with little crustaceans and insects, working its way up the food chain. Eating fish, ending up eating possibly even big buffalo. Wow, what an absolute beauty. That little guy is cute, but I want to see how big they really get. Here we go! So I’m visiting a place where Australians like to go for fun. Saltwater crocs can grow up to be 20 feet long and weigh a whopping ton. And it’s easy to see why they’ve been around since the age of the dinosaur. Not only do they look prehistoric. But they are perfect killing machines.Able to lunge out of the water and clamp down on their prey with a bite force of 3,700 pounds per square inch, which is the mightiest of all living animals, and rivals that of the extinct T-Rex. Wow, that is crazy! 900 kilos, almost one ton of dinosaurs right there. So close! I can’t believe how unbelievably big they are! Absolute brute, massive dinosaurs. I can’t wait to see those guys out in the wild. Oh! Wow! Join me again for more fearless adventures. But they are perfect killing machines. Able to lunge out of the water and clamp down on their prey with a bite force of 3,700 pounds per square inch, which is the mightiest of all living animals, and rivals that of the extinct T-Rex.Wow, that is crazy! 900 kilos, almost one ton of dinosaurs right there. So close! I can’t believe how unbelievably big they are! Absolute brute, massive dinosaurs. I can’t wait to see those guys out in the wild. Oh! Wow! Join me again for more fearless adventures. But they are perfect killing machines. Able to lunge out of the water and clamp down on their prey with a bite force of 3,700 pounds per square inch, which is the mightiest of all living animals, and rivals that of the extinct T-Rex. Wow, that is crazy! 900 kilos, almost one ton of dinosaurs right there. So close! I can’t believe how unbelievably big they are!Absolute brute, massive dinosaurs. I can’t wait to see those guys out in the wild. Oh! Wow! Join me again for more fearless adventures. massive dinosaurs. I can’t wait to see those guys out in the wild. Oh! Wow! Join me again for more fearless adventures. massive dinosaurs. I can’t wait to see those guys out in the wild. Oh! Wow! Join me again for more fearless adventures.

Captioned by Cotter Captioning Services.
