
10 Day Old Kitten Falls In A Gutter! | Pets: Wild At Heart | BBC Earth

moving home is one thing getting enough
to eat is quite another she lives on Cat
Island in Japan a monkey paradise full
of feral cats they were imported to
catch vermin when the island was a
center for the silkworm industry they
now survived by scavenging from
fishermen the kittens are brought up in
the perfect playground but they’re busy
mums have to juggle childcare with the
important job of getting a mule and
their chance comes just once a day
the boats are returning laden with fish
kittens more than a few weeks old can
happily be left alone
they are old enough to stay warm and
keep out of trouble as their mother
searches for a new but the mother with
the new kitten faces a problem at ten
days old he’s too young to be left on
his own someone’s left holding the baby
while the other cats enjoy their fish
supper squabbles over food are
but soon everyone gets a slice of the
action except from the new one no very
hungry mother she looks for a possible
solution she squeezes her eyes a
greeting that most cat owners will
recognize the new arrival grooms the
baby then turns our attention to the
mother it’s her way of offering to
babysit the mother doesn’t wait to see
if she’ll change our mind babysitting is
natural among cats especially between
related females
she’s probably her sister meanwhile mum
searches for scraps left by the other
it’s a chance for her child minder to
enjoy time with the baby but she’s
clearly not sure what to do the young
kitten has reawakened her urge to play
through the know he’s far too young for
then every babysitter’s nightmare she
checked she hasn’t been seen but the
mother’s focused on gaining a meal
desperate times call for desperate
the mother senses something’s wrong but
then in the nick of time success
mum might try a less playful babysitter
next time
