
$1 VS $29,000 House!

I commissioned professional minecraft
builders to build me extreme houses in
minecraft me and the boys are gonna vote
and whoever gets the highest votes will
win 10 grand and to kick things off we
have this 100 house turnaround whoa
no way this was 100 bucks
kind of bland i feel like we kind of got
ripped off i’m kind of mad for you that
you paid 100 for this the inside is a
little bit lacking i give it a 4 out of
10. that’s kind of harsh i’m going to
give it a 2 out of 10. 3 out of 10. it’s
a 3 for me i’m cranking in a 1 out of
ten next build behind you guys is the
500 build yo
this place is awesome this is kind of
epic compare that stupid hundred dollar
mansion to this this is a step up this
is a guy who cares about his craft
wait jimmy tp to me right now wow this
is insane king jimmy guys i’m gonna be
honest the staircase is really creative
bro look at this surfing oh my gosh
bro if this is what a 500 build looks
like i can’t wait to see the 29 000
build at the end what do you rate it
seven seven i’m gonna throw another
seven because triple seven’s a lucky
number i’m gonna go six i think it could
be better i’ll rate them a one yo we
really should ban zap now they’re still
in the lead next build gentlemen feast
your eyes on the one thousand dollar
oh my god this isn’t a joke i legit paid
them one thousand dollars in cash to
build this the size isn’t as impressive
but size isn’t everything let’s go
jimmy i hate to be that guy but he
commissioned them a thousand dollars to
build nothing on the inside wait so the
inside’s just all blocks jimmy you got
scammed this is a house building
competition seeing how the house has no
inside i’m gonna give them a one i’m
gonna have to give it a one as well i
give it a one one gang one gang it
officially got the worst score vaginal
to the three thousand dollar build
gentlemen behind you is a three thousand
dollar bill whoa
wait is it built into the mountain
everything you see here they built
oh there’s a helicopter look at the
helicopter can i be honest for a second
for three thousand dollars i feel like
the majority of this build is mountains
they definitely didn’t build these
mountains by hand this view of this
world added in mountain isn’t terrible
the interior might be cool though
there’s no easy way of access
i found the secret access tunnel guys
this house is kind of boring yeah
there’s literally nothing in here it has
bedrock you can’t even get that in
normal minecraft okay i’m gonna say it
not as good as the 500 one i give it a
four four it’s a five it’s a five you
gotta take into account that we paid
three thousand macaroni i think you guys
are all being too generous 2.5 it can’t
win next server drop the spear
wait what this is sick whoa it’s a tank
wait this kind of reminds me of one of
the builds from the last video where it
was like on wheels yeah but this is like
a whole city this build is epic the
blimps in the air oh my gosh
i’m gonna be honest so like this has the
most character out of any of the builds
so far it tells a story frankly
and all the houses are furnished on the
inside every single thing has furniture
and things that make sense in it i’m in
love with this build i’m being so honest
yo there’s a train in the middle what
this thing is crazy look there’s nothing
really to nitpick on this map
holy cow
no way we have to rate it right now i’m
gonna give it an eight would you think
it’s a nine which is what i’m giving it
no i would think it’s an eight because
this is very solid 8.5 8.5 first place
had 28 points this map just got 42
points and is by far massively in the
lead and if you thought this build was
crazy we have a nine thousand twelve
thousand and a twenty nine thousand
dollar build coming out keep watching
guys i paid nine thousand macaroons for
this turn around
what this is literally so cool i love
space builds how do they do this
wait this is actually really cool i love
the inside of the spaceship they made it
look like holographic stuff so they use
flowers that’s so cool wait guys look
this hologram it’s not just like random
it’s like a little person with a jet
jimmy so far do you feel like your 9 000
was worth it you know what i just
realized in this video we spent over 65
000 on builds i don’t think i like it 50
more than the last one the other one
told a whole story this one feels just
like a ship it doesn’t have as much
character as the last build i’m gonna
disagree with you i like the theme
better i give it a seven seven i’m
cranking it an 8.5 seven and a half
seven i like the last one a little bit
better which means it is five points
behind the last build gentlemen we have
two more builds i legit spent twelve
thousand dollars commissioning people to
build this map
oh my gosh bro
this is awesome guys look there’s like a
giant like butterfly person
there’s a pokemon with the castle on his
back in the water what the heck
there’s a dragon and this is the coolest
dragon i’ve ever seen in minecraft oh my
god bro i’m about to kill this dragon
holy crap this is so cool this is
actually so cool
i actually feel overwhelmed kind of in a
bad way i think there might be too much
going on this is information overload
that’s what’s good about it you have to
interpret it any way you want from very
far away this thing is beautiful but the
closer you get the less details i see
right like while i walk around this city
i don’t see much life you guys are all
wrong this thing is literally perfect
i’m rating in a nine i don’t think that
this is a better bang for your buck than
the six thousand dollar one and for that
reason i’m giving it a six a six are you
trolling they made my statue a little
thick so i’m gonna give it a nine yes
eight point five it all comes down to
chris i’m gonna give it a seven no
the six thousand dollar build is still
in the lead let’s move to the final
project which is almost as expensive as
everything you’ve seen to this point
combined gentlemen behind you is the 29
000 build feast your eyes
my eyes are feasting all right this is a
whole city we’re gonna have to be very
picky though this costs almost 30 grand
guys this is literally a tesla
oh baby there’s an underground subway
there’s so many layers like an onion
different sections of the build have
different feelings and vibes i love that
yo karl mart yo
how did they know sapnap was gonna be a
part of this there’s a sap nap in chris
got an apartment complex chris residence
the chris residence is kind of ugly no
there’s a chandler baseball field
obviously this is gonna be the best
build is it worth the money before you
place your votes they specifically
requested that i show you guys the build
at night
it actually does really add to the
atmosphere these colors pop so much more
bro this thing looks pretty sick at
night look at how cool this little
section is what all right let’s rate it
i’m gonna give it the same thing i rated
the six thousand dollar build i’m gonna
give it a nine eight point seven so
that’s a nine just give it a nine yeah
we’ll give it a nine baby i’ll give it
an eight ten thousand dollar prize on
the line chris it is on you if i paid 30
000 for this i would be so much more
critical but i didn’t this is jimmy’s
money so it’s so cool i’m gonna give it
a nine it is one point ahead of the six
thousand dollar bill since our ratings
for the six thousand dollar build we’re
so close we’re actually gonna give both
teams ten thousand dollars yay
what a good guy did watching this video
make you hungry i’m always hungry well
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thing tastes amazing
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