Orcas Kill, But Not Just for Food | Bad Natured | BBC Earth
Often when we’re filming our mammal cousins, it’s very tempting to impose our own human anthropocentric values on their actions, and that is, I think, a mistake. Probably the most...
Often when we’re filming our mammal cousins, it’s very tempting to impose our own human anthropocentric values on their actions, and that is, I think, a mistake. Probably the most...
our oceans are constantly on the moon rising and falling in a twice daily rhythm that we know as the tides [Music] everything that lives in the shallows must adapt...
volcanoes the architects of our planet they have forged over 80 percent of the earth’s surface of the 1500 active volcanoes worldwide up to 85 erupt each year [Music] recycling...
their daily penguin idalis live in a world of ice they feed under pack ice and rest on ice floes nowadays though the ice is unreliable [Applause] a daley’s famously...
this dot on the north west coast is one of them an emperor penguin colony the world’s most grueling winter is on its way so how have the emperors prepared...
[Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] each mother calls for her mate [Music] the players celebrate their survival their reunion and their chick [Music] when the greeting ceremony is over it’s...
Reunited at last. The mother sees her chick for the first time. She’s keen to start parenting… but the father needs persuading to surrender the chick he’s been caring for...
[Music] the return of the sun coincides with the appearance of the newest members of the colony [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] in a matter of days there...
for the last few weeks the mother and father have taken it in turn to feed their offspring but its growing appetite will soon force both parents to go away...
[Music] then at last some weary figures appear [Music] utterly exhausted by the walk the mother still has one final challenge before she can meet her chick finding him there...