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Ants Attack Termite Mounds | Natural World: Ant Attack | BBC Earth

Ants Attack Termite Mounds | Natural World: Ant Attack | BBC Earth

the entire army is mobilizing the raiding parties head out to the last place they had found food where they had pinned down the few winged termites [Music] the bearing...

Ants Battle to Protect Their Fortress | Life Story | BBC Earth

Ants Battle to Protect Their Fortress | Life Story | BBC Earth

Back in the Australian rainforest, this weaver ant fortress sits at the heart of a rich territory. Hunting parties go out to gather food to fuel their growing numbers. Some...

Spider With Three Super Powers | The Hunt | BBC Earth

Spider With Three Super Powers | The Hunt | BBC Earth

To help her in her quest, she’s equipped with three superpowers. First, an amazing approach to getting about. Portia is a jumping spider… able to leap up to 50 times...

Spider With Three Super Powers | 4KUD | The Hunt | BBC Earth

Spider With Three Super Powers | 4KUD | The Hunt | BBC Earth

To help her in her quest, she’s equipped with three superpowers. First, an amazing approach to getting about. Porsche is a jumping spider, Able to lift up to 50 times...

Frog Defends Eggs From Wasps | 4K UHD | Planet Earth II | BBC Earth

Frog Defends Eggs From Wasps | 4K UHD | Planet Earth II | BBC Earth

[Music] danger ped and that’s just as well because he is a father and he’s guarding some very precious eggs for the last few few weeks females one after the...

Eel Suffers Toxic Shock | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

Eel Suffers Toxic Shock | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

In the Gulf of Mexico, these eruptions also release a super-salty liquid – brine. It’s heavier than seawater and it accumulates in great pools on the seafloor. It’s difficult to...

Cuttlefish Hypnotises Prey | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

Cuttlefish Hypnotises Prey | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

n a far corner of south-east Asia lies the Coral Triangle, a cluster of the richest coral reefs in the world. Undersea cities crammed full of life. As in any...

Cuttlefish Mimics Being Female To Mate | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

Cuttlefish Mimics Being Female To Mate | 4K UHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

But most of the creatures come together for a very different reason. To breed. The giant cuttlefish, the largest of all cuttlefish. They live for just one or two years....

The Sex-Shifting Fish | 4KUHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

The Sex-Shifting Fish | 4KUHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

In the underwater forests off northern Japan, the residents of this sunken wreck are waiting for the summer temperatures to reach 16 degrees Celsius. That, for some, is the time...

The Deadly Portuguese Man O' War | 4KUHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

The Deadly Portuguese Man O’ War | 4KUHD | Blue Planet II | BBC Earth

Over half of all animals in the open ocean drift in currents. Jellyfish cross entire oceans feeding on whatever happens to tangle with the tentacles. Some can grow to a...
