Magical Finland Sleigh Ride! | Reindeer Family and Me | BBC Earth
all reindeer here eat the cladonia group of lichen a nutritious mix of algae and fungi it grows all over these northern forests so finding food for the reindeer on...
all reindeer here eat the cladonia group of lichen a nutritious mix of algae and fungi it grows all over these northern forests so finding food for the reindeer on...
perfect go on Survivor but in my three emails well done guys ready for the forest okay [Music] where we’re going it’s gonna be the first time they’re going back...
a female horned lizard guards her bedded eggs and is keeping a lookout for anything that might interfere with them a western patch nosed snake it is an egg eater...
[Music] hoppy came in as you can tell she’s super super little it’s just still very little you can see but she’s been here for quite a while so you...
A touch is an invitation to get to know each other. But is it all too good to be true? The great silverback. He won’t be so easily impressed. Here,...
A male red-sided garter snake. He survived the winter by hibernating underground where the temperature never dropped below zero .The weak sun persuades more males to emerge. They’re cold and...
Spy sea otter joins them in their floating nursery. She’s immediately accepted by these notoriously shy creatures. It’s a privileged insider’s view of the most sociable otter of all. Here,...
[Music] they’re all safely ashore but they could still face months of hunger finding food is not so easy on this cold and barren Coast the search may be a...
so mate today slo-mo is all about speed and let’s face it the cat’s already won kind of don’t want to agree with you on that one but I’m gonna...
a mud skipper a fish that spends most of its life out of the sea it can walk on land and breathe air its life is very different from that...