
Quelea Mega-Flock Hunted by Falcon | Superswarm | BBC Earth

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  • Quelea Mega-Flock Hunted by Falcon | Superswarm | BBC Earth

when they flock together they also act
with one mind
although they feed in small flocks they
join up to become a mega flock
as they make their way to roost sites or
water holes
the flocks are mixed ages most are this
year’s young
fledgling birds just a few weeks old
they are still very inexperienced their
makes them vulnerable
their biggest enemy is the lanar falcon
it soon learns where their watering
holes are
the lanner reaches 150 miles per hour in
a stoop
taken by surprise the youngster didn’t
stand a chance
the survivors may have had their
feathers ruffled but they’ve learned an
important lesson
they’re in the quandary it’s dangerous
to drink but they won’t survive the
night without water
this is where their collective
intelligence starts to work
the flock starts to share rules
the more adventurous resume drinking but
this time the more nervous birds act as
they watch the braver ones backs as they
the falcon tries again
quickly spotted a wave of panic alerts
the flock
such group tactics work well because
every bird has a slightly different
some are wary and hold back others throw
caution to the wind
risking all for a drink
once the daredevils are finished they
take over lookout duties
by rotating rules the flock increases
its overall awareness
together the outsmart the lana falcons
safely refreshed the flock returns to
its roost
but this is not simply a dormitory it’s
a meeting room
where almost a million birds exchange
in a way not yet understood the qualia
learn from each other
prime feeding spots that yesterday were
only known by a select few
become today’s star attractions
they leave the roost with a clear
mission on their collective mind
a deluge of birds now descends on the
ripe grass seeds
the leading edge of the flock lands and
begins to feed
birds at the back leap frog to the front
of the cube
this creates a wave of continuous motion
a rolling flock that devours every seed
in its path