Baby Elephant Plays In The Sand | Secret Life Of Elephants | BBC Earth

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  • Baby Elephant Plays In The Sand | Secret Life Of Elephants | BBC Earth

the dry season is here
now all life converges on the river
herders from far and wide are bringing
their flocks to the last of the water
predators are closing in
so many animals near the river it’s the
best place to get a meal
they aren’t welcome here
on the edge of the riverbank a lion has
the ideal vantage point
all the other animals now risk an ambush
on their way to water
in samburu lions are the biggest killers
of baby elephants
harmatan must take extra care of brees
as she leads the winds to the drying
the newly exposed sand is a fun place
for breeze and the other young elephants
to play
the activity flushes up insects which in
turn attract birds
two birds are twice as much fun
but breeze needs to pay attention
with lions around she’s vulnerable if
she moves too far from harmatan’s side
she’s lost
this elephant is not her mother
her panics clear
at last she sees her mother
they’re safely reunited
but brees must learn to be careful