
Brutal Stallion Mating Fight | 4K UHD | Planet Earth II | BBC Earth

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  • Brutal Stallion Mating Fight | 4K UHD | Planet Earth II | BBC Earth

it’s July in the deserts of Nevada in
the Western United
States the hottest time of the
bands of wild horses Mustang are
converging on one of the last remaining
water holes
around now water not only offers them
the chance to drink it can also bring
power if a stallion can control access
to water he will have secured mating
rights to the entire herd
so stallion try to dominate these pools
fighting off Rivals who venture too
close a
stranger he’s traveled 15 km to be here
because the pools where he’s come from
have already dried up
with him come his
females if he can’t provide them with
water they will leave him for the white
stallion who already dominates this
pool so he will have to
there is everything to lose
a broken leg or a shattered jaw would
mean a slow and painful
death a missed kick and it’s all over
the new arrival has
won and his prize is more than just a
chance to
drink he has provided for his herd and
in the process stolen his Rivals
females the white stallion’s rule is

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