
Built for Speed, Built to Race | Weirdest, Bestest, Truest

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  • Built for Speed, Built to Race | Weirdest, Bestest, Truest

CHARLIE: Hey guys!
In this episode, we went all out to study race cars.
And that meant a trip to a real race track.
We hung out all day with a professional driver and they let me drive a dragster!
Wait! What?!
Today we’re at the Maple Grove Raceway in Reading, Pennsylvania
to shoot our car episode.
Yeah, it was pretty wild.
We hit like 180 miles per hour.
KIRBY: Whoooooaaaa.
So for the past week you’ve been talking about how this is terrifying.
Was it as scary as you thought it’d be?
CHARLIE: Yeah. It was scary!
KIRBY: Yes. Yes it was.
CHARLIE: Cause is we um, we filmed an episode about rollercoasters where
you went like 100 miles per hour in this rollercoaster.
So this is like if you’re driving the rollercoaster which makes it that scarier.
So you’re in charge of it going straight.
KIRBY: Did you get that thing where, you know when you’re on a rollercoaster and it takes
off and you get pushed back into your seat?
DOUG: Put some hip into it because it’s going to be
two and a half G’s against your chest.
CHARLIE: Yeah, it’s like that for like 5 seconds straight.
CHARLIE: Doug who was our expert.
And he like, settled me down and made me realize it was OK.
But that first time, you had to do a burnout to start.
And when you do a burnout and the wheels start going and you’re in the same place.
It’s like swiveling all around, which just makes you think you’re just
not going to be in control during the race.
KIRBY: You kept pretty cool.
I was freaking out at the beginning.
I felt ill and was just like…
CHARLIE: Kirby… we went up and we were
ready to do the first race and I was like, “I’m good to go.”
And Doug was like, “Alright let’s do it.”
And Kirby’s like, “Whaa, waait, wait, wait.”
“How long do you go for?
How long does it take to brake?
Where is he gonna go?” and a bunch of stuff.
KIRBY: It’s good you were driving.
CHARLIE: Yeah. KIRBY: And I was not driving.
CHARLIE: And Kirby spent the day learning all about car mechanics.
DOUG: So whaddya think?
KIRBY: I wanna learn what’s going on here?
CHARLIE: What were you most surprised about?
KIRBY: How tiny and compact the area that the driver sits in is.
And it’s a good thing to be like squeezed down in there.
How did you feel?
CHARLIE: I felt good. It I mean you’re…
It’s not only like super tight, but they have straps over both your shoulders.
DOUG: We’re gonna put a five-way harness on ya.
CHARLIE: Across your waist…
DOUG: Now we tighten ya up.
CHARLIE: And they have loops that go around your arms that like buckle in too.
Arm restraints.
DOUG: Yup. Put your hand through there.
And I’ll lock your lap belt into your arm restraints.
To make sure your arms go nowhere.
CHARLIE: Oh my gosh. You’re really tied in here.
DOUG: You and the car have become one.
CHARLIE: If anyone’s claustrophobic, like dad.
Our dad is just like crazy claustrophobic.
You’re like…
KIRBY: This is not for you.
CHARLIE: You’re locked in there and you can’t get out.
I’m sure it’s a safety thing but still…
it’s kind of…
the first time it’s a little scary.
KIRBY: Do you feel safe?
CHARLIE: I felt really nervous the first time and really scared.
KIRBY: Just breathe!
CHARLIE: But as we did it over and over, we did it like five times.
And I felt better over time.
KIRBY: Your first run you went 40 miles per hour…
KIRBY: And it took 15 seconds. CHARLIE: Really?
KIRBY: And the later times, you got into the hundreds.
CHARLIE: I hit 128. KIRBY: In ten seconds!
CHARLIE: I almost broke 10 seconds for a quarter mile.
It was so much fun.
Towards the end, I was… you just get so giggly after.
Cause, it’s just the weirdest thing ever.
That was the coolest thing I’ve ever done!
Oh my gosh!
KIRBY: It was a good day.
CHARLIE: Yeah, we had a great time here.
Cars episode.
Dragsters. Car mechanics.
KIRBY: That’s pretty cool. DOUG: Yeah.
CHARLIE: Wicked fun time. We’ll see you guys next time.