
Peppa Pig – Emily Elephant

Peppa and her friends are going to play game today 
The children each have their own hook to
hang their coats on today we have a new
pupil Emily elephant Emily is a bit shy
who would like to show Emily where to
hang her coat oh we just need one Peppa
can you show Emily where to hang her
coat yes we each have our own coat this
one is for you and me Emily is hanging
her coat on her very own coat hook now
Emily what would you like to do today
painting clay or building blocks blocks
and everyone else painting clay or
building blocks building blocks are
popular today everyone wants to sit next
to Emily elephant it’s better if you put
them side by side no no this way you
know this is the right way Emily no no
like this you are all being very helpful
but Emily how would you play with the
blocks oh I’m not very sure I might
don’t like this
Emily elephant is good at building
blocks it is play time Emily would you
like to play outside with the others yes
please can someone show Emily where we
play playtime peppa and her friends play
in the school garden
okay that was quite loud now it is Zoe
zebras turn now Suzy sheep now Danny dog
​​that was very loud Peppa is the loudest
okay my goodness that was loud
Emily would you like to play my favorite
okay what is your favorite game jumping
in muddy puddle that’s my favorite game
to jumping up and down in muddy puddles
Emily’s jumping up and down in muddy
puddles this looks like fun Madame
gazelle loves jumping up and down in
muddy puddles have you enjoyed your
first day at our playgroup yes Madame
gazelle and I see you’ve made lots of
new friends yes my friends my friend
Emily who do you like I like
