
Life at Sea | Making the Disney Wish | Mini Episode 6

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  • Life at Sea | Making the Disney Wish | Mini Episode 6

My name is sheikha I’m the senior entertainment manager on board the beautiful disneywet I just love being around the different kinds of people that we have on board and and the uniqueness of living at sea [Music] favorite part of what I do here is the people it’s definitely a very diverse place to work [Music] so we’re all from all over and we’re all here to deliver the same product which is really nice to come together as a team [Music] so my typical day on board I wake up nice and early I always like to start the day with a cup of tea we have a variety of foods available for our different nationalities on board in the crew mess it’s different every day I would also at some point throughout the day head to the gym I do like to work out and we do have a great facility on board for the crew [Music] foreign the beautiful Castaway Key which is a beautiful island that we have I like to get off and head to the beach [Music] sometimes we like to have an active Beach day where you’re using the paddle boards and The Kayaks which is super fun and other days you just kind of like to sit on that lounger and not move and just take in that vitamin D so my typical day on board we have rehearsals throughout the day so if there’s a rehearsal I would check in with the teams doing a staging rehearsal and blocking rehearsal to make sure they’re all in the right place on stage with Disney Cruise Line and Disney itself we’d like to tell a story every show belongs to a certain venue because of a story because of a reason for Marvel to snuggly Declan to story times a lot of variety around the ship for all to enjoy a pirate show on board is a beautiful fun show we have live music that plays throughout the entire show and they also play during the fireworks moment too I’ll be in the booth and I call the queues for the show one minute [Music] I guess I’ve never sailed on a ship before some have sailed 30 times we want each one of them to feel welcome we have a wonderful crew to help create the atmosphere of Enchantment and deliver to our guests oh [Music]
