
Filming in the Frozen World | Behind The Scenes Of Frozen Planet II | BBC Earth

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  • Filming in the Frozen World | Behind The Scenes Of Frozen Planet II | BBC Earth

So come on… It’s been worth it, hasn’t it? Five days of hell for this? I need a few more penguins. You need a few more… My hands aren’t really designed for polar diving but for some reason I still decided I wanted to do it. It just feels like the whole fingers turn into ice. And once you’ve reached that point, you know when you come back up it’s going to be quite painful, which it is right now. We had quite a major setback this morning. We were trying to film some penguins, and a leopard seal decided to use the boat as a chew toy, and it’s ripped quite a couple of big holes in the boat. So that’s the end to diving for now, which is a real shame, because we’re running out of time. These are some of the toughest conditions I’ve ever had to work in. The temperatures are obviously really, really cold, the water’s zero degrees. That makes the cameras not perform properly. They fog up. The batteries don’t last as long in such stormy weather. Big swell has come through and churned up everything. There’s not a lot going for us right now. The stuff’s just not built to be put through such tough conditions really. Been here almost two weeks now, but finally this morning, I got to watch the sort of strategy that the leopard seal has when he’s hunting. They were all in there and they were streaming out through here. He comes up there, just as it was getting on the beach. You see, it’s pretty wide, but… Poor thing. We’re seeing he’s a very, very clever hunter. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Very impressive to see. It’s a little bit sobering thinking about what happened with the boat being bitten. All it’s got to investigate anything is its mouth, so it’s probably just coming up and tasting things, but it bit the boat a bit hard and ended up going through it. But it is worrying because if obviously it did the same to me it can make a pretty good… similarly sized gash in my leg. So we do have to be a little bit careful.
